Here are the pictures taken from the bloggers meet . Updated with captions ;-)
Click here to view all pictures Praveen waiting to eat the dosa Magix. This cat also drink milk? Definitely it does Hot bajji *drool drool* Two penny and the lean dude Ramyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Karthik talking to sophia. The astrologer lady and pani puri guy at the background TP Dude and Joshi Morphues saheb and periyavaaL ravages Myself and Nirenjan 'Hi Sophia, says Murali' whilst magix wonders 'Oh! You can use mobile for talking apart from sending sms also huh?' Joshi and Karthik waiting for someone? Ferrero Rocher folks! Please send this photo to Sania Mirza! Soaku Vijay and Praveen Morpheus and Ravages